TRANSAGALLEGO LOGISTIC has turned out to be a beneficiary of the aid convened and managed by the General Directorate of Energy and Industrial and Mining Activity of the Ministry of Employment, Universities, Business and Environment, aimed at promoting the improvement of energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies within the scope of the cooperative's ERDF (European Regional Fund) operational program, the objective of which is to advance in the evaluation and improvement of companies' energy efficiency as well as to promote the use of renewable energies. Specifically, the European Union, under its ERDF funds, aims to achieve energy savings, energy production capacity and GHG emissions savings.
TRANSAGALLEGO LOGISTIC is committed to reducing energy consumption carried out in its different locations and especially in its Headquarters located in the Region of Murcia. Thanks to the support received by these grants, in the 2019 call the company has been able to carry out an energy audit and renew its air conditioning installations. Of the € 13,291.99 that the company has invested for the two subsidized projects (Partial energy audit - Air conditioning - TRANSGALLEGO LOGISTIC, SL and Equipment replacement - Air conditioning - TRANSGALLEGO LOGISTIC, SL) it has received a grant of € 5,766.79 from the of which 80% comes from FEDER funds. As a result of these actions, TRANSGALLEGO LOGISTIC has achieved and will continue to achieve a total annual saving of 3.37tep, which translates into having avoided a total of 36.47 tCO2eq emitted into the atmosphere.